• +603-7949 2306
  • drc_pcm@um.edu.my

Pattern of Reliever Use

SABA Overreliance

Many people with asthma rely too much on their reliever inhaler. High SABA inhaler use is associated with an increased risk (about twice the number) of exacerbations compared to low SABA inhaler use among patients over 12 years old, according to the SABINA (SABA use IN Asthma) study. The working definition of high SABA inhaler use is the consumption of ≥3 200-dose canisters per year. 

Reliever Reliance Test (IPCRG)

The Reliever Reliance Test helps patients explore the amount and pattern of their SABA use and provides advice for changes to improve their asthma.

Click here to access the reference

Asthma Slide Rule (IPCRG)

SABA overuse should be explored, especially among patients with poor asthma control and frequent exacerbations. You can assess this by asking how many puffs of SABA a patient is using over a given period. The Asthma Slide Rule is a tool designed to help asthma care providers initiate discussions with their patients about overreliance on SABA.

Click here to view the tool